Sunday, February 10, 2013

[S-P #4]

There is no victory, there are only battles.
And in the end, the best you can hope for
is to find a place to make your stand.
And if you're very lucky, you find
someone willing to stand with you

  • Camera: Nikon D5100
  • Lens: 18-55mm
  • F-stop: f/5.6
  • Exposure: 1/60sec
  • ISO speed: ISO 1250
  • shot in RAW

Runner up image
*Not edited
This week for our self portrait, we had to theme it around points that our classmates learned about us. Things about me that my classmates learned that I chose to bring across in this photo were that I have small handwriting, dream of being left handed, and that I love the television show Castle.

I got across my small handwriting by showing my small handwriting, my dream of being left handed by putting the pen in my left hand, and my love for Castle by using a quote from Castle. I also used a point that was not mentioned; the fact that my favor color is blue (which can be found in the fact that I used blue ink.)

1 comment:

  1. I've never watched castle because I can never find it anywhere to download or watch on netflix etc. (Last time I checked.) BUT I absolutely LOVE Nathan Fillion! My favorite show is Buffy The Vampire Slayer and he is in the last season as the best villain ever. Also hes in Dr. Horrible and Firefly. Good shows if you really like him!

    I like how you expressed multiple things from the list in one photo.
