Monday, January 21, 2013

Yankees [S-P #1]

  • Camera: Nikon D5100
  • Lens: 18-55mm
  • F-stop: f/3.5
  • Exposure: 1/60sec
  • ISO speed: ISO 170
  • shot in RAW
Original final image
*Before Editing
Runner up image
*not edited
Runner up image
not edited*
I wanted to take a self portrait dedicated to the team I love most, the New York Yankees, since Spring training is pretty much right around the block. This was the first time I ever  attempted a self portrait with a purpose, so it was a challenge. I did it in my room, just me and my camera. Some questions that ran through my mind in the process were if I was in the frame enough, if the lens was zoomed in too much or not, if I set up the self timer and the burst capture correctly, and questions along those lines. There were many photos taken, many of which failed because I was too much in the frame or not in it enough, or because the lens was zoomed in a little too much, or because the self timer/burst capture wasn't enough. Once the pictures were all taken and narrowed, there were three final pictures that I was very torn between and had a horrible time narrowing it down to the final picture. The one thing that made this final image stand out from the other two was my face. My face was hidden in both of the other ones. In this one, I loved how my hat casted a shadow over my eyes. Then i took this picture into photoshop, dropping the exposure of the entire photo, with the exception of the Yankee jersey and my arms.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amanda,
    Thank you for the link. I didn't receive it last week so I'm glad you sent it again. Remember that a new self-portrait is due every Monday by 11:00. I like this shot and the fact that we've already learned alot about you with just one image.I look forward to following your blog this semester.
