Sunday, March 10, 2013

In 5 years I will be... [Self-Portrait #8]

In five years, I will be....
Original Image
*Not Edited
  • Camera: Nikon D5100
  • Lens: 18-55mm
  • F-stop: f/3.5
  • Exposure: 1 sec
  • ISO speed: ISO3200
  • shot in RAW

Who knows where I'll be in five years. nothing is guaranteed, nothing is promised. Will I even still be alive, or will I be dead? Will I have a career, or will I be that homeless person on the street asking for money? Married with or without kids, or still living the "single life"? All I can say for sure is that I will be 25 years old this time in five years, the rest is a mystery. Which is what I tried to convey in this image.

I attempted going for a silhouette, something I have never tried before in my photography career. Save to say, first time didn't work out very well. I realized later I should have had my room A LOT darker (and cleaner) for the shot to work. I tried many different shots, some with my back to the camera, some with my face to the camera. Ultimately, this was the shot I chose. I brought it into photoshop and did major editing to do the best I could to manipulate the shot to what I had in mind. Not my favorite self portrait, but not my least favorite either.


  1. HI Amanda,
    I really like what you did here. You're absolutely right - the future is unknown. I appreciate that you took the time to think about this and create this image. Enjoy the break!

  2. You are right, futures are unknown, you dont know what would happen but I like the way you set up and write this up...
